Greetings WellnessWOWers and all others looking to release their stress, uplevel their health so they can have wellness success, that Wellness WOW Factor!
It's the beginning of a new season, Spring, one of my favorites. I love spring! The weather is warmer, birds are singing, flowers are budding and the air is filled with the fragrance of natural perfume.
I like to take time to reflect at the beginning of each new season to evaluate where I am. Spring is perfect for that since it is symbolic of new beginnings.
Here are 4 things that I do to maximize a fresh start:
Take inventory
What worked? What didn't work? Where were you January 1st? Where are you now? By taking inventory, you allow time to have an honest conversation with yourself. It can also be the catalyst to self-discovering bringing clarity to what it is you truly want. Once you have taken inventory, you see how to adjust, but also be willing to make adjustments. One of my favorite quotes is:
"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result." Albert Einstein
Once you have taken inventory and discovered what worked, expand on those things. You have taken small steps forward, continue you those. Then begin to make skips, then jumps, then leaps to your dreams. Sometimes the victory is not transitioning from steps to skips, but maintaining those steps and being consistent.
Have a clear plan of what you want to accomplish by the beginning of the next season and who do you want to be. I often hear people say they want their lives to be different or complain about everything they don't have. But when asked, "What do you want?" they can not give a clear answer. First be clear about what you want, then formulate a clear plan to make your vision come true. Small steps lead to huge leaps forward.
Purify /Cleanse
The change in seasons is an optimal to purify and cleanse; especially spring which is significant for new beginnings. Cleanse your inner temple and your outer temple. Your inner temple being your body (with special focus on liver and kidneys), your mind (releasing what is weighing you down from elevating in your business, relationships goals etc.) and your outer temple; your work space, sleep space and/or think space. This is part of environmental wellness. Purifying your inner and outer temple is how you can achieve wellness success and experience 360 degrees of wellness.
If you want to take inventory and be able to plan and strategize your next and best steps, but stress is overwhelming you. You lack motivation or clarity and just feel stuck! To start the process of releasing stress and tension, download your complimentary audiobook, "10 Minutes to Tranquility". This audiobook offers simple and natural ways to release tension and come into your place of calm and tranquility. 10 minutes is all it takes!
Yours in Health,

Dr. Michelle Clay is a speaker, author & Holistic Physician specializing in stress release and management, helping you reclaim your health and happiness simply and naturally. As the founder and visionary of FREELIFE7 a life enhancing company, she is frequently called upon to give a refreshing holistic perspective on ways to release stress, recharge health and the mind-body connection, finding that happy place to live a free life on purpose with passion.