Blogs — food is medicine

5 Foods for Destressing and Detoxing by Dr. Michelle

Michelle Clay calm cleanse cleansing destress detox digestion food is medicine freealitea health health and wellness healthy self care stress management stress release stress relief well-being wellness

5 Foods for Destressing and Detoxing by Dr. Michelle

With continuous stress our minds and bodies respond with anxiety, excessive worry, fatigue, brain fog and issues with your sleep. Stress is a form of toxicity that we often self-medicate with comfort foods such as chips, cookies, cakes, candy, ice cream, and alcohol, leading to an even more toxic internal environment. 

Not only can food be medicine, but also a source of happiness. I want to share with you 5 foods that are staples for my detox and destress  FREEALITEA.

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Natural Immune Boosters to Help Prevent Coronavirus & Stress

Michelle Clay coronavirus food is medicine health herbs holistic health immune system well being wellness

Natural Immune Boosters to Help Prevent Coronavirus & Stress

People are scared and searching for information on how to prevent being infected with the coronavirus. The best protection we have is not a mask, being paranoid or quarantining ourselves, it is our immune system. Here are 5 natural ways to stimulate your immune system, keep you healthy and protect from infection with coronavirus.

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Wellness Wisdom: Happy Spring! Time to Cleanse, Release & Recharge!

Michelle Clay cleanse food is medicine release wellness

Wellness Wisdom: Happy Spring! Time to Cleanse, Release & Recharge!

Spring is in the air. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming and the days are growing longer. Spring is a significant time for birthing new ideas and plans. Planting seeds of possibilities and fruit to bloom and harvest in future months.

The definition of the verb...

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Wellness Wisdom: New Season, New Beginning

Michelle Clay Dr. Michelle food is medicine freelife7 holistic health wellness wellness wisdom

Wellness Wisdom: New Season, New Beginning

This is my first blog post ever! My intention is to share candidly and authentically my experiences so that I may serve others on their wellness journey. The aim is to give you pearls of wellness wisdom that will fuel your passion and zest for life, thus fulfilling you...

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