Blogs — Dr. Michelle
FREE Yourself to Find Yourself with FREEALITEA
destress Dr. Michelle freealitea herbal tea me time mindset recharge refresh self-care tea
Michelle Clay

Replenishing my cup daily drop by drop. FREEALITEA replenishes my cup daily. Whenever I feel tension physically or emotionally, FREEALITEA frees me.
Living and appreciating the moment.
Feeling Dandy with Dandelion with FREEaliTEA
cleanse cleansing dandelion detox digestion Dr. Michelle freealitea health health and wellness healthy herbal tea herbs me time tea wellness
Michelle Clay

All parts of the dandelion can be used including the flower, stems, leaves, and root. That has medicinal benefits. You can cook the leaves up like you would collard greens. I was told stories that my Paw Paw used to make dandelion wine. The root can be used as well in teas and tonics like in Release Rise & Shine Tea.
5 Steps to Calm After a Storm by Dr. Michelle
anxiety self-care anxious calm destress Dr. Michelle Dr. Michelle Clay herbal tea meditation New Orleans stress management stress release stress relief tea
Michelle Clay

I often feel anxious about what is going to happen next and sometimes miss the NOW! Is there something you have fear and anxiety about that is holding you back or delaying your next? Are you ready to let it go and heal?
Release Recharge Tea has rosemary which has a positive clinical effect on anxiety, mood, and sleep.
Choose three go-to affirmations for various feelings and situations. Repeat them in between sips of tea and watch how your thoughts start to slow down.
Daydreaming and Thinking of Green by Dr. Michelle
cancer prevention cardio vascular health Dr. Michelle green tea health health and wellness holistic health stress management tea wellness
Michelle Clay

Wellness Wisdom: Having an Attitude of Gratitude
Dr. Michelle freelife7 gratitude holistic health wellness wisdom
Michelle Clay