Blogs — stress relief
5 Foods for Destressing and Detoxing by Dr. Michelle
calm cleanse cleansing destress detox digestion food is medicine freealitea health health and wellness healthy self care stress management stress release stress relief well-being wellness
Michelle Clay

Not only can food be medicine, but also a source of happiness. I want to share with you 5 foods that are staples for my detox and destress FREEALITEA.
5 Steps to Calm After a Storm by Dr. Michelle
anxiety self-care anxious calm destress Dr. Michelle Dr. Michelle Clay herbal tea meditation New Orleans stress management stress release stress relief tea
Michelle Clay

I often feel anxious about what is going to happen next and sometimes miss the NOW! Is there something you have fear and anxiety about that is holding you back or delaying your next? Are you ready to let it go and heal?
Release Recharge Tea has rosemary which has a positive clinical effect on anxiety, mood, and sleep.
Choose three go-to affirmations for various feelings and situations. Repeat them in between sips of tea and watch how your thoughts start to slow down.
Love & Happiness: 5 Expressions of Self-Love
cardio vascular health health and wellness me time self-love stress management stress relief valentine's day wellness
Michelle Clay

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”
― Aberjhani, Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of Poetry
Greetings #WellnessWOWers, Super Wonder Women and those who seek wellness, harmony and balanc...
5 Ways to Overcome the Stress of Disappointment and Create a Fresh Start
disappointment stress stress relief well being
Michelle Clay

5 Ways to Relieve Stress and Have Success for your New Year's Resolutions
goals resolution stress relief success
Michelle ClayGreetings everyone especially my Wellness WOWers!
Dr. Michelle Clay here, your Holistic Physian specializing in stress relief for exhausted executives and stressed out professionals helping you to find your happy and healthy place simply and naturally so you can live a...