Blogs — wellness wisdom
Wellness Wisdom: 5 Ways to Eat Clean and Keep your Cool at Cookouts
cleansing cookouts detox healthy stress stress management wellness wisdom
Michelle Clay

Let Your Heart Be Your Guide: 5 Ways Mindfulness Can Make Your Heart Happy
health heart health meditation mindfulness stress stress management wellness wisdom work life balance
Michelle Clay

Don't Throw the Turkey Leg Across the Table
harmony holiday stress stress management stress release Thanksgiving wellness wisdom work life balance
Michelle Clay

Healthy options for stress release during the holidays
Dr Dr. Michelle Clay heath stress stress management stress release sweet potato wellness wellness wisdom
Michelle Clay

Wellness Wisdom: Take A Leap
faith holistic health leap day wellness wellness wisdom
Michelle Clay

Today marks a special day, a day that only comes every 4 years; February 29th Leap Day.
It is a good time to reflect on where you were 4 years ago and your evolution to present day. To make best use of the energy of a leap day, meditate on something that you wish to lea...