Blogs — herbs

5 Common Herbs for Detoxing and Destressing

Michelle Clay cleanse cleansing destress detox digestion herbs holistic health purify turmeric

5 Common Herbs for Detoxing and Destressing

Aging beautifully involves consistent destressing (frown and worry lines aren't cute at all) and detoxing. Some signs to indicate that it is time to cleanse and reNEW your body and mind:
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Sluggish Feeling
We can destress and detox with these 5 common herbs that can help us with our stress-FREE cleansing journey. Dandelion root has a mild laxative effect

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Feeling Dandy with Dandelion with FREEaliTEA

Michelle Clay cleanse cleansing dandelion detox digestion Dr. Michelle freealitea health health and wellness healthy herbal tea herbs me time tea wellness

Feeling Dandy with Dandelion with FREEaliTEA


All parts of the dandelion can be used including the flower, stems, leaves, and root. That has medicinal benefits. You can cook the leaves up like you would collard greens. I was told stories that my Paw Paw used to make dandelion wine. The root can be used as well in teas and tonics like in Release Rise & Shine Tea.

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3 Relaxing Herbal Remedies for Sleep by Dr. Michelle

Michelle Clay calm herbal tea herbs lavender lemon balm relaxation sleep tea

3 Relaxing Herbal Remedies for Sleep by Dr. Michelle

Many do not like to take the harsh medications that are prescribed for sleeping problems. But we can turn to plant technology as a safer way to alleviate symptoms and stress. 
Now you know I’m a rootworker; I like to get to the root of the matter and I work with roots – ginger root, turmeric root, dandelion root, etc. 
First things first, discover what is the root cause of the sleep issue. Is there a change in work schedule, life schedule, or overwhelming stress? There are herbal sleeping treatments that can help a person release stress, rest, and relax.
To read about my 3 favorite herbs to release stress, relax, and get a good night's rest.

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Natural Immune Boosters to Help Prevent Coronavirus & Stress

Michelle Clay coronavirus food is medicine health herbs holistic health immune system well being wellness

Natural Immune Boosters to Help Prevent Coronavirus & Stress

People are scared and searching for information on how to prevent being infected with the coronavirus. The best protection we have is not a mask, being paranoid or quarantining ourselves, it is our immune system. Here are 5 natural ways to stimulate your immune system, keep you healthy and protect from infection with coronavirus.

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Make Tea Time for Relaxation

Michelle Clay distress herbal tea herbs me time mindfulness self-care stress management tea

Make Tea Time for Relaxation

Having tea can be more than a tantalizing taste experience, it can be a way to relax and release stress. One of your arsenals against stress is mindfulness. We can make our tea time a mindfulness activity to relax and release stress.

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