Greetings Tea Lover, Naturalistas, and everyone who desires ways to release and recharge simply and naturally! Dr. Michelle here with a a juicy nugget on how to live a FREE LIFE on purpose!
2011 to 2019 were some really tough years for me emotionally. Little by little the excitement and child-like zeal I had for life slowly slipped away. I was dressing differently, speaking differently, and thinking differently. Have you ever been in a situation where the confidence you had in your abilities and plans was gone? Yes, that part! 2020 was a very transformative year for me. Being on lock down without the day to day distractions gave me the ability to be quiet and be still to really heal on a deeper level and contemplate what I wanted for my life.
I found my zest for life again in Italy, Venice specifically. Everything I had in my mind about Venice from the time I was a teenager is exactly what I saw and what I felt and more! I am overcome with so many different emotions that I can honestly say I am full! Its been long overdue but at this moment my cup is overflowing and my intention is to keep it that way.
What I know for sure and for certain is that when I am
overflowing my household benefits, my family benefits, my friends benefit, and my business which is my act of service to live on this planet, benefits.
How I freed myself to find myself:
1. Removed people from my cypher and circle who no longer were of benefit to my elevation
2. Changed my language You have what you say you have. If you say I don't have enough _______. That is the reality you create daily. I started speaking positively about myself and my situation regardless of how it looked. Then one day, it started looking like what I wanted.
3. Took a chance I took a chance on doing things I really wanted to do. I took a chance of speaking what was really in my heart. I took a chance on going someplace that I've wanted to since I was a teenager. I didn't allow my fear or that of others to talk me out of it.
So what is next?
Replenishing my cup daily drop by drop. FREEALITEA replenishes my cup daily. Whenever I feel tension physically or emotionally, FREEALITEA frees me.
Living and appreciating the moment. Instead of saying, "I can't wait until ___."
Being intune and intentional about what I need to do and how I need to show up to experience an abundant and stress-FREE reality consistently.
So I say to you as I look across the water to the city of Venice, "Grazie!"
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