5 Ways to Make Magic in Your Kitchen with FreealiTEA

Michelle Clay

Greetings Tea Lovers and Super Wonder Women! It’s Dr. Michelle here with another tea-time moment about using plant technology to create a stress-FREE reality one cup at a time.

One of the things that has come out of the pandemic is more home-cooked meals. People were having their hand at their own version of “Nailed It”. It’s been an interesting ride to say the least! Though it is fun to try our hand at new dishes, what if we shifted the focus to healing and harmony?

In my laboratory I create tonics, teas, and tantalizing dishes. Please understand it’s not just about the ingredients you use, but the heart, soul and intention you bring into the space. If the intention is  alleviating aches and pains and bringing comfort to someone you love, that is what will be created. If the intention is to alleviate stress, that is what will be created. I remember a time when baking desserts gave me comfort. When I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I would bake pies and cakes from scratch. My grandmother taught me how to make a nice buttery and flaky pie crust. She showed me with her own hands. She said, “Michelle I can’t write this down. You have to do it with me and FEEL it. Squeeze the dough between your fingers to know when it is right.”

Every time I would bake, I thought of her and the warmth of her hands and spirit and it would soothe whatever was ailing me. I take that same energy into the kitchen with the intention to soothe what is ailing me. Whether that’s stress, a sore throat, congestion, or digestive issues, there is something in your laboratory that can make it feel better. That is MAGIC! You can do this each and every time you enter the space. Here are 5 ways you can make cooking a magical experience.

 1. Prepare Your Mind

I don’t approach the kitchen as a place to cook. I approach it as a laboratory or sometimes a garden. Remember #MindsetisEverything. Set the intention and think about the result you want to achieve with your dishes. If you are feeling angry, that is NOT the time to prepare something for yourself or others.

For example, whenever I create new blends for FREEaliTEA, I think about the calm, confidence, and vibrancy the consumer will experience. I say a prayer over EVERY batch that the recipient will feel and receive the DIVINE love in each sip. You can do the same as before you prepare your teas, mocktails, cocktails, and meals. That is REAL SOUL food!

2. Prepare Your Space

I learned long ago not to cook in a dirty kitchen. One of the “Mamas” in the community told me, “A real cook has her dish water ready while she is cooking.” If you or someone else left the kitchen dirty, clean BEFORE you begin. Now if someone else made the mess, don’t get an attitude. If you do, just clean, say cuss words under your breath or out loud if you want to. Release that energy, then start fresh.

3. Listen to Music

I love filling the kitchen/laboratory space with joy and laughter. The best way for me to do that is with music. I’ve been known to cut a rug will stirring something up. It reminds me of my grandmother who would be in her own world singing off key to herself while preparing a meal. She would have so much joy on her face! Trust me, I tasted and felt it in every single bite!

4. Listen to your Body

Before entering the kitchen space, get in tune with what your body is asking for. NOT the emotional cravings that come with stress eating. Nor the comfort foods that feel good in the moment but leave you feeling uncomfortable after. I’m talking about those things that will add fuel to your “fired up feeling” getting you ready to conquer the chaos!

My Godfather always said, “Listen to your body. It will tell you what it wants and needs.” Are you listening?

5. Use Healing Herbs

Herbs are one of my favorite magical items in the kitchen laboratory. Not only are they delicious and can season your meals with savory flavors, but they also have so many medicinal benefits. Think about it, the root of all pharmaceuticals are plants. These plants are then processed, and fillers added to create prescription medications. It’s the processing and the fillers that cause a lot of the harmful side effects that people experience. But what if we just use the plant?

Some common herbs you may already have in your kitchen are rosemary, oregano, turmeric, thyme and basil. Some of these herbs can be used to enhance your health, as well as a relaxation remedy as a tea or tonic to help release stress.

Bring water to a boil, pour over the herbs in a cup or bowl. Cover and allow it to steep for 3- 7 minutes depending on what herbs you use. You do not need to boil leafy herbs. Explore different flavors with herbs and how they make you feel. Make meals into a magical adventure. Did you know you can actually cook with tea? We’re having fun with our food in the Culinary ArTEAstry where we make magic in the kitchen cooking, calming, and creating delectable dishes with teas. Learn more HERE.


Reply back and share what magic you created in your kitchen.

Until next time....


Be well!

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