Don't Throw the Turkey Leg Across the Table

Michelle Clay harmony holiday stress stress management stress release Thanksgiving wellness wisdom work life balance

Greetings everyone especially the Wellness WOWers and those who seek wellness, harmony and balance in every area of your life! Dr. Michelle Clay here, your Holistic Physician specializing in stress release for burned out business-women and overwhelmed overachievers helping you find your happy and healthy place of harmony.

It’s that time of year again. People are travelling to gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Some are the primary chefs for the day’s meal and will be staying up until the wee hours of the morning putting the finishing touches on a scrumptious and gluttonous meal. LOL! It can be a fun and festive occasion, OR it can be rife with stress, resentment and frustration that makes you want to say, “Y’all gonna make me lose my mind up in here.” DMX, Rapper

Lack of sleep from travelling or preparing the feast creates perfect conditions for you envisioning throwing the turkey leg across the table to people you love but have been giving the ‘side-eye’ to for years. Here are 4 strategies you can incorporate to keep your turkey leg on your plate and not flying across the table aimed at someone’s forehead.

Enjoy this video where I share 4 strategies to hold on to your turkey leg and your peace of mind!

  1. Forgiveness

  2. Set Boundaries 

  3. Be kind, but don’t be nice

  4. Love

What I have learned over the past week that I will share with you to mitigate stress is and release anger is LOVE. Love is not just a noun describing an intense feeling, it is a verb, an action. Love for yourself and being committed to your needs is paramount. When you express love in a healthy and stress-FREE way, it blunts the fire and sting from the anger and resentment you may feel towards others sitting at the table with you. When you express love and care towards yourself first, then you realize that the person you have grievance with acted out due to having a lower level of wellness. Remember, wellness is not just the absence of disease, but the harmony of your physical, emotional and mental well-being. ‘Loving’ does not excuse bad behavior or positions you as a doormat. It calms you down and transforms anger which can lead to destructive behavior, to something positive and constructive in your life. Coming from this perspective, makes it easier to have compassion and patience with what can sometimes be dinner drama.


For an extra boost to your stress-FREE strategy, get your copy of "7 Culinary Cures for Cleansing and Calm".


 Yours in Health and Harmony,



Dr. Michelle Clay is a speaker, best-selling author & Holistic Physician specializing in the release and management of stress and its associated symptoms simply and naturally. Through her company FREELIFE7, Dr. Michelle enhances lives by harmonizing all dimensions of wellness through wellness coaching programs to help stressed out and burned out professionals, leaders and exhausted executives discover their sense of calm, clarity and confidence to live a FREE life on purpose with passion. Join her private community, Wellness WOW Factor exclusively for 'Super Wonder Women' and those looking to release their stress and up-level their wellness.  


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