Spring is in the air. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming and the days are growing longer. Spring is a significant time for birthing new ideas and plans. Planting seeds of possibilities and fruit to bloom and harvest in future months.
The definition of the verb spring is - to move quickly and suddenly toward a particular place or to a new condition.
Spring is the season of new beginnings and from an astronomical perspective, the spring equinox is when day and night are almost equal in length; balance - harmony. According to Merriam Webster:
Definition of balance is mental and emotional steadiness.
Definition of harmony is internal calm : tranquillity
In this new season, move quickly to a new and improved condition in your life with ease, tranquility and emotional steadiness.
What is weighing you down that you need to release to move quickly to a new season in your life?
What snare has entangled you delaying you to your destiny?
This time of year, many like to do a spring cleanse of their homes. Cleaning out closets, bleaching down baseboards and cleaning all of the nooks and crannies that often go neglected in our routine housework. Can we devote that same time and attention to our bodies?
Have the courage to clean out the nooks and crannies within our bodies, our hearts and our minds.
Release the weight and waste that ladens us.
Recharge your metabolism, ignite your business plan, spark your sex life.
Love and healing go hand in hand.
Love yourself!
Commit to yourself!
Commit to action!
Wellness Wisdom Pearl:

Apples are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, as well as B-complex folates and vitamins A and C.
Spring forth, release, recharge and renew your life for new and amazing possibilities!
Yours in Health,