This is my first blog post ever! My intention is to share candidly and authentically my experiences so that I may serve others on their wellness journey. The aim is to give you pearls of wellness wisdom that will fuel your passion and zest for life, thus fulfilling your purpose. So here it goes...
Whenever a new season begins, I take the time to reflect on my experiences from the outgoing season. What did I experience? What lessons did I learn? What do I want to continue doing? What is no longer serving me that I need to let go of? What am I thinking and feeling at this very moment without judging myself? What is the next course of action?
The last 2 weeks have been extraordinary. The arrival of a new season, fall equinox, a harvest moon, blood moon, super moon with a lunar eclipse; one that we will not see again for another 20 years.
The fall equinox is special. On that day of the year, day and night are equal length- balance. It is also the time for harvest; a time for enjoying the bounty our labor produced. Purification, reflection and meditation are key during this season to be prepared for the coming longer nights and colder days.
The significance of the full moon, harvest moon, super moon and lunar eclipse is shift. Release what no longer serves you in order to shift from old ways of thinking and being. Release pride, ego and fear of failure, fear of the unknown and fear of the future. This leaves room for the birthing of new ideas, creativity and a way of life that may be more beautfiful than your best laid plans.
Purifying to recharge your body and mind allows you to embrace this process with ease.
Celery (1 stalk)
Leafy Greens
(Romaine, Green Leaf etc.)
-Break lettuce into small bite size pieces. Line on the bottom of plate or bowl. Set aside
-In a separate bowl, cut apples and pears into bite size pieces leaving the skin on.
-Slice celery add to bowl.
-Stir in Apple Cider Vinaigrette until evenly distributed.
-Add on top of lettuce
Apple Cider Vinaigrette
1 cup apple cider unfiltered
1 ½ Tbsp. Fresh Lime Juice
2 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1/3 cup Fresh Chopped Parsley
2 tsp. Dijon mustard (optional)
3 Tbsp. finely chopped shallots (optional)

-Boil apple cider uncovered, until reduced to syrup consistency.
-While still slightly warm, transfer to mixing cup.
-Add lime juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Stir well.
-Add parsley right before serving
-Store in glass container. Refrigerate up to 3 days
Medicinal Benefits of Apples
Help Regulate Blood Sugar
the polyphenols in apples have been shown to lessen absorption of glucose from the digestive tract; to stimulate the cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin
Whole Apples decrease fat in blood; Decrease total Cholesterol and LDL
Respiratory benefits
Apples' antioxidant benefits can help lower the risk of asthma
A study of 2,500 middle-aged men in Wales found improved lung function among those who ate an apple a day, according to the University of California, Davis
Medicinal Benefits of Pears
High in Fiber
One moderate sized pear contains 5 g of fiber
Decreased risk of type 2 Diabetes
Improve insulin sensitivity
Nurses' Health Study has shown that among all fruits, the combination of apples/pears showed the most consistent ability to lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Decreases production of Cholesterol
Lower risk of Intestinal and Stomach Cancer
Improves the population of beneficial bacteria (Bifidus and Lactobacillus)
Improves Immune System
A good source of potassium
Medicinal Benefits of Celery
Phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties
High in Antioxidants
Smooth muscle relaxant
Prevent Cancer
Celery contains coumarins which have been shown to be effective in the prevention of cancer. According to the researchers from Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, celery contains eight different families of anti-cancer compounds. The compounds called phthalides and polyacetylenes help in the detoxification of the carcinogens, and thus very effective against cancer, particularly ovarian cancer.
So it is true what our grandmother's told us, an apple a day can keep the doctor away. It can keep the doctor away or us away from the doctor ..
Yours in Health,