Greetings #WellnessWOWers and Super Wonder Women! Dr. Michelle here, your holistic physician who specializes in the release of stress simply and naturally especially for the overwhelmed over-achiever and the high-stress high performer.
Technology is a double-edged sword. It can make your life easier with convenience and accessibility, or contribute to your stress and burnout. But too much of anything can become our detriment. In the case of technology, its overuse is associated with higher stress levels and can affect our time of relaxation and even our sleep.
This latest Wellness Wisdom Pearl vlog discusses 5 ways technology overuse increases stress and tension in the areas of:
2. Sleep
3. Relaxation
5. Physical Wellness
and provides 3 strategies to go from technology tension to tranquility.
For more assistance beyond this vlog to create your customized burnout to balance blueprint, schedule a complimentary strategy session with me www.freelifestrategy.com
Dr. Michelle Clay is a speaker, best-selling author & Holistic Physician specializing in the release
and management of stress and its associated symptoms simply and naturally. Through her company FREELIFE7, Dr. Michelle enhances lives by harmonizing all dimensions of wellness through wellness coaching programs, workshops and speaking engagements to help stressed out and burned out high achievers, leaders and exhausted executives discover their sense of balance, calm, clarity and confidence to live a FREELIFE on purpose with passion. She is frequently called upon to give a refreshing holistic perspective on ways to release stress, recharge health and shift mindset for wellness success.