Blogs — tea

The Tea on Teas for Allergy Season: 5 Natural Remedies by Dr. Michelle

Michelle Clay allergies essential oils ginger green tea herbal tea seasonal allergies tea turmeric

The Tea on Teas for Allergy Season: 5 Natural Remedies by Dr. Michelle

It’s spring, one of my favorite times of year. I love hearing the birds sing melodic songs like a heavenly choir and watching the flowers bloom. But for those with seasonal allergies, it’s hard to enjoy the beauty when your eyes are running or itching and you are sneezing constantly! Since I am a naturalista I have to look to the herbs and plant technology. 5 natural things to get through allergy season: turmeric, ginger, green tea, Release & Relieve tea, essential oils...

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The Top 5 Ways Green Tea Can FREE Your Life by Dr. Michelle

Michelle Clay cancer prevention green tea health herbal tea stress managemnt stress release tea wellness

The Top 5 Ways Green Tea Can FREE Your Life by Dr. Michelle

Greetings Tea lovers! It’s time to spill the tea, or drink the tea☕ on ways you can use herbs to release stress and recharge health. Today we’re going to explore green tea and how it can help you create a stress-FREE reality one cup at a time.. I’m a newbie to the green tea game. I just started drinking it about 2 years ago when my Gynecologist and a Geneticist told me I had a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer. Thank God there are no detectable lumps and all of my mammograms have been normal. But they wanted...

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Make Tea Time for Relaxation

Michelle Clay distress herbal tea herbs me time mindfulness self-care stress management tea

Make Tea Time for Relaxation

Having tea can be more than a tantalizing taste experience, it can be a way to relax and release stress. One of your arsenals against stress is mindfulness. We can make our tea time a mindfulness activity to relax and release stress.

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